7 Reasons to Install an Automatic Gate

Automatic gates are an excellent investment for your property, adding an added level of protection while making it easier to control who is allowed in and out of your home. Here are five reasons why you should install an automatic gate on your property!

1) Safety

According to Autogate Expert, a properly installed gate can add another layer of protection to a front door that already has deadbolt locks and an alarm system. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, burglars attempt twice as many break-ins through doors as windows, with 72% of all homes having extra doors leading into the dwelling space such as garages or breezeway. Installing an automatic gate in such areas decreases the chance of someone making their way directly into your home.

2) Convenience

While in the past, you might have to get out of your car and open a swinging gate each time you drove through, automatic gates will slide immediately upon approaching them. This added convenience saves time and energy, so you don’t have to worry about it when coming home late at night or early in the morning after dropping the kids off at school or daycare. Additionally, automatic gates can be constructed with sensors that respond automatically when a pedestrian pushes on them, assuring they close immediately if not already activated by a vehicle.

3) Security

A well-constructed gate can act as an extra layer of protection on top of what is already provided by deadbolts and alarms. Automatic gates outfitted with high-quality locks are virtually impossible to break through, making them a valuable addition for any security-conscious homeowner.

4) Convenience for Guests

While some people have no problem performing the gate-opening ritual every time they come or go from their property, others find that inconvenient. An automatic gate allows you to keep the ease of not opening it each time while still giving guests access to your home without worries. Setting up controls on your gate, such as keypads or remote controls, makes this easy, so all they have to do is press a button and drive through!

5) Aesthetics

As with most additions made by homeowners and businesses alike, there’s always an element of personal taste involved. Installing an automatic gate offers the unique opportunity to add a touch of flair to your property in a way that other security measures do not, giving your home or business some added character as well as protection!

6) Accessibility

Sometimes called driveway gates or swing gates, automatic gates can be used as a temporary solution while building a new fence or larger gate that will better meet your needs. You may need to allow access to construction equipment and not want to have it in place for long, but you still don’t want to leave your property unprotected. A driveway gate allows the construction workers to come and go with ease while keeping burglars out! Since they are portable, they can be moved to another location once the original project is complete without breaking down an entire fence structure.

7) Investment

While installing an automatic gate isn’t necessarily cheap (depending on what type of security system you choose), it is well worth the investment considering its long-term value. The longer you have a gate installed, the more of a return it will provide for your family over time.

A gate that is properly maintained and checked regularly by experienced professionals can easily last for ten years without needing replacement parts or repairs, saving you money in the long run! A well-constructed security fence includes a combination of steel cables or chains hooked up to motors that open and close the wooden panels, so there’s no need to worry about corrosion affecting its performance even if left outside year-round. Additional benefits include how an automatic gate keeps trees from growing too far into your yard space and makes it easier for you to mow your lawn and keep small animals out while allowing them free passage through certain times of the day.


Installing a fence is an important investment, whether it be for your home or business. Feel free to check out our blog for more details on the various gate information today regarding autogate Malaysia!


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